


An education at Hamline is a worthwhile investment in your future. We’re proud to provide competitive financial aid and scholarship opportunities that will assist you through your academic journey. We aim to make sure your time with us is as transformative as it is affordable.

Here are a few financial aid facts that show our dedication to supporting students:

  • 95%以上 of incoming students receive 体育博彩app奖学金和助学金
  • 本科 students receive an average financial aid package of $40K

To be eligible for federal aid, you need to complete the FAFSA. 查看所需文档, 最后期限, and other steps needed to apply for financial aid using the "申请FAFSA" box below.


Through a combination of undergraduate financial aid opportunities, we make it possible for many first-year and transfer students from diverse backgrounds to get the education they need to succeed in their chosen fields.

Financial aid packages are made up of several components:

  • 体育博彩app奖学金和助学金
  • Outside scholarships and grants
  • Federal scholarships and grants
  • 学生就业 (Work-study)
  • 国家奖学金和助学金  
  • 贷款

奖学金 and grants are forms of financial aid that you do not have to pay back. A variety of loans are available specifically for higher education costs. If you qualify, you can work on campus.

Find your financial aid information

Financial aid packages are different depending on what kind of student you are. Choose the type of student you are, or will be, at Hamline.

A new Hamline student smiling outside and other students in the background

First-year and transfer financial aid

Attending college is an exciting life decision. We’ll work with you and your family to ensure you get the most out of your college experience—at reasonable rates. 

An international undergraduate student at Hamline studying in the library

国际 undergraduate financial aid

See what international scholarships and funding options we have to offer you, and learn more about financial documentation requirements.

a person sitting and typing on a laptop with a notebook next to them

Online degree completion financial aid

Everyone deserves access to a quality, affordable education. Find out more about our online bachelor’s degree completion program and its cost-effective format.

A Hamline graduate student walking outside of 旧主 on campus


If you’re a domestic or international graduate student, you’ll have many options to finance your education. Discover scholarships, grants, learning partnership discounts, and more.

Hamline military alumna Kelley Lasiewicz in a Hamline shirt

军事 and veteran financial aid

We welcome military students to campus and hope you’ll participate in one of the many benefit programs available to you.